Thanksgiving, Freeman Ranch, Chuy’s Thanksgiving Parade, and Hill Country Train "Polar Express" Ride

We were thankful for so much this year. Family, friends, jobs, house, so much. We are thankful for our little ones. We enjoyed spending Thanksgiving Day and Dinner at the Koenning's in Dripping Springs. Throwing the football and playing outside on one of the nicest days in a while. And the food, well the food… amazing!!

Daddy took GMAC with him and GP on Friday afternoon to go up to Granny Priss' Freeman Ranch for a weekend with the boys, working, playing, and hunting. We stopped at Inman's in Marble Falls for some great turkey sausage then a Triple meat jalapeno cheeseburger from Storms in Lampasas. GMAC had such a great time and was one of the boys helping being good and playing with Dax.

We were able to drill and install many poles in two very dry tanks for a future dock pier for fishing and enjoyment. Also, we setup a new deer stand blind over where I hunt next to C.B.'s old stand.

The only hunting that Daddy did was with Shay and Dax and we were unable to secure a pig. Daddy did take GMAC on his very first hunt the following morning, per his insistence after waking up that morning. We sat in the stand for oh, 2 minutes before he used a word that I have maybe only heard him say once before 'bored'. He said, let's go back to the house. I said, Why? And GMAC said, This boring, ha, fast learner, especially as there were no deer in sight. We left early for Austin so Cary could attend a farewell ceremony for Jon Mesiroff. Watch Video,,, at the 1 minute mark when the TV starts to talk… You will see little CADE running in the background. He picks himself off the ground then runs off. 🙂–134567448.html

During this time, Mommy took Grace to the Chuy's Thanksgiving Parade downtown. Photographers were a buzz snapping photos of that little girl in between all of the amazing floats =-).

On Sunday evening. Mommy, Daddy, and GMAC (Grace stayed home with EE) joined Aunt B. and Uncle Cary for a Hill Country Train "Polar Express" Ride! It was really nice going from Cedar Park to Burnet and back. Hot Chocolate, songs, stories, and a visit from Santa Clause. Two happy little boys.

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