I titled this "Joys of Pregnancy" which may seem to have a sarcastic undertone, but seriously y'all – being pregnant HAS been a joy ! I have never had a day of true "morning sickness", minus one indulgent episode of a Dirty Martin's hamburger, onion rings, and a chocolate malt that came back to haunt me hours later… The aforementioned occurance aside, I really have tried to be a very thoughtful eater and believe that I am doing my best at giving Baby comer the best nutritional start that I can.
My body is definitely changing by the day, my growing belly being the most apparent. My great friend Amanda was kind enough to lend me some of her maternity clothes, so between those and the Bella Band (a spandex tube top-type thing that you place around your waist that allows you to unbutton and unzip any bottoms that you wore pre-pregnancy and continue to wear them in comfort) – I haven't had to spend much on new clothing. I am loving my new belly, I have never felt like more of a woman !
As far as feeling the baby, the answer to that question is YES ! For about 3-4 weeks now I have felt the baby moving. I really didn't feel the "flutter" that is commonly described in books, I felt something that could best be described as a kneading in my belly at first and now it is a full on kicking/bumping that Matt can easily feel.
I occasionally will get a hankering for certain categories of food (sweet, salty, chewy, etc…), but no real cravings for specific foods. I have only gained 5 lbs so far (Baby Comer is approx. 1 lb now), but the pound packing days are yet to come 🙂
Matt and I will try to take some pictures to show everyone what the 23 week pregnant Jenny looks like soon, until then thanks for reading ~