Camp Ben Father’s Day

EE picked up GMAC and Grace Friday and took them to Comerosa to spend the night. Mommy and Daddy helped Amy move into her new apartment.

On Saturday, Mommy went to toddler twin, Andrew and Parker's, 2nd Birthday party! Daddy went to a OSMF volunteer pool party in Dripping Springs. EE and GP took GMAC and Grace along with Aunt B. and Cade out to Camp Ben Mcculloch to swim in Onion Creek. Mommy and Daddy joined them Saturday night. We got there late, but found a great camping spot near the creek. It was the 116th Camp Ben Reunion. Neither GMAC, Grace, nor Mommy ended up camping with Daddy, but Daddy and friends remained camping for the night.
On Sunday, Daddy packed up went an visited GP for Father's Day. Then he  came back home, and found  the sweetest handmade note atop of a wrapped gift awaited him. The note on green paper, with two footprints, GMAC = blue, Grace = red. And the following was written:  
"For the Most Wonderful Daddy
Garrett & Grace Comer
June 17, 2012
'We love you so much, Daddy'

'Walk a little slower, please, 
My feed are still small.

I'm following in your footsteps

and I don't want to fall

Sometimes your steps are fast

and they are hard to see
So walk a little slower, please,
for you are leading me.'
It was very touching, to say the least!! Underneath were a pair of new Ariat snub nose boots.
Goo Goo came by the house and dropped of a very sweet card for Daddy. She does such a great job in picking cards to exemplify her exact feelings. It was very sweet and she included a gift certificate to Daddy's favorite store, Academy. Afterwards, we went back up to Camp Ben and met EE, GP, Roger, Barbara, Dax, and Tommy to swim in the creek and eat fajitas. GMAC and Grace ended up going over to where the few carnival vendors were and having a grand old time with the Shoot 'Til You Win game!!
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